Why you should consume more of local beverages...

Nigeria is home to some of the best local beverages, which if well packaged, with the right marketability will go international and compete with other beverages of international repute. it is no doubt that we have the attitude of having little or no regard for what is local for a number of reasons, could be as a result of packaging or because of the method of marketability which is still very myopic and unprofessional. which ever way you see it, you must realize that this local beverages are made from natural plant source, and there method of processing lives the drink fresh, with little or no additives to enhance it taste or colour.

Kunu in its various form (kunu aya, kunu masara, soy bean kunu etc), and zobo (a hibiscus plant with two varieties, one with white colour, and the other reddish in colour), has been a favourite drink to locals for almost as long as we have existed as an entity.

-Health benefit
There is no official account regarding the health benefits of these drinks, and is either due to negligence, or outright disregard by health professionals. But, the fact that these drinks are processed locally without chemical preservatives, and other chemicals that serves as taste enhancer, lives the drinks fresh and energy packed(unspecified), with a whole repertoire of macro & micro nutrients, which are in there natural forms to supply great taste of satisfaction. Taking local beverages is like consuming fresh mango plucked from the stalk, and consuming those so-called carbonated drinks, is like extracting the juice of mango, and treating it with chemicals, which alter its natural taste. Carbonated drinks posses a lot of health risk, because of too much chemical additives, which if taken along with other chemical feeds(like drug), can cause medical complications which may result to death. for example we've had of cases where coke and banana is not a viable mix, because it can result to death, these and numerous examples, and the fact that there are confounded biases in the operations of international companies in regard to their product's viability.
So the next time you feel like drinking a soft drink, I suggest you try out a local beverage. while the hygiene is a lot to consider, I advice you know who you buy it from, because there are negligent people around, so patronise neat people, and you'll get better satisfaction for your money. And those with intreprenueral spirit could explore these local beverages, and make it production a large scale with professionalism and following international best practices. And most importantly patronizing local beverages to give it the much needed popularity, so it could stand through the test of time, not just locally but internationally.

If you have any intrepreneural ideas regarding these, pls contact me let's talk...my number (09081094772)

el'tahir...an ardent chauvinist to the Nigerian goal...!


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